Tips for Taking Care of Leather Clothing

Maintaining a regular care routine for your precious leather clothing will ensure longevity and a luxurious appearance. Whether it’s a stylish leather jacket, chic leather pants, modern-style leather shoes, or a trendy leather dress, maintaining the quality and appearance of these items is essential. 

It is crucial to understand that leather is a natural material and requires gentle handling. The best thing to do is invest in high-quality leather clothing that lasts for years. Of course, if well taken, good care and well-maintained. Here are some general tips for taking care of leather clothing:

Basic Steps in Cleaning a Leather Jacket

1. Check the Care Label

Before you start cleaning, check the care label on your leather jacket for any specific instructions or recommendations from the manufacturer. Follow these guidelines if provided.

2. Proper and Regular Cleaning

Dust and dirt can accumulate on leather, so regularly wipe it down with a clean, dry cloth or a soft brush to remove surface debris. Wipe away dust or oil buildup using a soft cloth or brush. Always use a circular motion to help prevent damage to the leather. 

3. Proper Washing

Mix warm water with about two teaspoons of laundry detergent to create a gentle solution that can be used to clean jackets without causing damage or scratches. Soak a sponge or soft cloth in a mild soap solution for a few minutes. Before applying it to your skin, wring out the material or sponge so it’s slightly damp but not wet. Ensure to wring out the material or sponge so it’s damp, not soaking wet. Look for water stains, discoloration, and areas where dirt or oil has accumulated on the leather.

4. Proper Drying Method

This time, use a clean, soft cloth to wipe the jacket with clean water to remove soap residue. Ensure the coat does not contain standing water, as too much water will do more harm than good. Pat the skin gently with a soft, dry towel, then hang the jacket in a cool place until completely dry. Do not use direct heat (such as a hair dryer or direct sunlight) to speed up the drying process.

5. Proper after Wash Care

Once the jacket is completely dry, apply the conditioner. Use a clean cloth (soft) or sponge to spread a thin, even layer of conditioner over the entire coat. Conditioning helps keep leather soft and supple, preventing it from becoming hard and cracking. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the specific conditioner you are using.

6. Proper Storage

Store your precious leather jacket in a cool at room temperature, preferably on a padded hanger, to maintain its shape when unused. Avoid placing the item in a damp or humid area, leading to mold or mildew growth. Avoid hanging it in a plastic bag or covering it with plastic, as this can cause the leather quality to dry out and lose its natural oils.

Basic Steps in Cleaning Leather Pants

Cleaning and maintaining leather pants requires a little care and attention to ensure they stay in shape and last a long time. Here are some tips on how to clean and care for leather pants:

1. Check the Care Label

Always check the care label directions or manufacturer’s instructions for your leather pants. Different types of leather may require slightly different care. Reading the label will give you a good grip before cleaning.

2. Spotting Stains

If you notice a small stain or spill on your leather pants, take care of it immediately. Gently blot the heavily stained part with a clean piece of cloth to absorb as much liquid as possible. Avoid rubbing, as this may spread the color. You can sprinkle cornstarch or talcum powder on oil-based stains, let it sit for a few hours, and then brush it off.

3. Proper Cleaning

Use a soft, dry, or lint-free cloth to wipe away the buildup of dust and dirt from the surface gently. Do this regularly to prevent buildup. To clean your leather pants more thoroughly, use a leather cleaner product specifically designed for your type of leather. Apply the mixed solution to a damp cloth and gently wipe the surface.  

Leather doesn’t react well to water, so avoid getting your leather pants wet. If they do get wet, don’t use heat sources like hairdryers or radiators to dry them. Instead, allow them to air dry naturally at room temperature. Follow the product instructions to see the best results.

Also, treating leather with a protection spray will create a protective barrier against potential stains, making them easier to clean without leaving streaks. You should spray the protection solution before wearing leather clothing for the first time and reapply periodically to maintain effectiveness. But remember, before applying any cleaner or conditioner to your leather pants, test it in a small, inconspicuous area to ensure it doesn’t discolor or damage the leather.

4. Proper Storage

When you’re not wearing your leather pants, store them in a cool area away from the direct hit of sunlight. Use padded hangers or fold them neatly to prevent creases and maintain their shape. To prevent odors, air out your leather pants after wearing them, and consider using odor-absorbing products like cedar shoe trees or pouches filled with baking soda inside the pants when storing them.

Basic Steps in Cleaning Leather Shoes

Cleaning leather shoes is essential to maintain their appearance and longevity; proper care will only lead to your beloved pair of shoes being well-spent. Here are the basic steps to clean leather shoes:

1. Cleaning Solution Preparation

If your shoes are filthy, mix a small amount of mild leather cleaner or saddle soap with water according to product instructions. Make sure not to make it too runny. If you’re using a new cleanser, test it on a small, hidden shoe area to ensure it doesn’t discolor or damage the leather. Create a mixture of water with soap and use a soft, clean sponge to wash away dirt, dust, and debris gently. 

2. Proper Cleaning

Use and soak a soft cloth or sponge in the cleaning product solution, then wring it out to remove moisture. Gently wipe the entire shoe surface with a damp cloth or sponge, particularly in dirty areas. Do not soak leather shoes; Excessive water can damage the leather. Use a soft brush or even a toothbrush to scrub the affected area gently for heavy stains. Use a soft bristle to remove dirt and grime from shoes gently. Be gentle to avoid scratching the skin. Wipe the leather shoes with a soft, clean cloth with water to remove soap or detergent residue. Make sure there is no soap residue left on the shoes.

3. Proper Drying

Let shoes dry naturally at room temperature. Do not use direct heat sources such as heaters or hair dryers, as they may cause the leather to crack or lose shape. If you want to restore shine and color to your leather shoes, apply a matching shoe polish after conditioning. Use clean clothing or a brush to apply and buff the polish.

4. Proper Storage

Store your leather shoes in a dry area away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. You may use shoe bags to protect them from dust. Before storing your leather shoes, make sure they are clean and dry. Remove any dirt or dust by gently brushing or wiping them with a damp cloth. Allow them to air dry thoroughly and adequately to prevent moisture from being trapped inside. Lastly, avoid placing your leather shoes directly on the floor, especially on concrete or other hard surfaces. Use a shoe rack or shelves to keep them elevated and protect them from dust and dirt.

General Tips for Leather Clothing

  1. For tough stains in leather clothing, use a clean, soft sponge and a mixture of soap and water. You may use toothpaste and apply using your finger with non-gel toothpaste. Avoid scrubbing or scratching the surface. Let the toothpaste sit on the stained part for a while.
  2. For odor removal, when the leather becomes slightly stiffened, or an itchy irritation occurs, this is usually a sign that sweat has permeated the leather. Washing in warm water with baby shampoo or fabric softener will help soften the leather and remove the irritation. You may use a teaspoon of bicarbonate soda crystals in about 1 quart/liter of warm water and let the solution soak into the skin.
  1. For washing, always remember to do a hand washing method. Hand wash in warm water. Use baby shampoo, mild soap, or fabric softener, and avoid laundry detergent as they contain harsh chemicals. You can also use an alcohol-free baby wipes.
  1. For conditioning, moisturize it periodically, maintain the quality, and prevent the leather from drying out. Applying a leather conditioner or cream helps to keep the material hydrated, preventing it from becoming stiff and cracked. Again, it is essential to use a conditioner suitable for the specific type of treated leather and perform a patch test on a discreet area to ensure compatibility.
  1. For damage control, leather clothing is vulnerable to scratches, and polishing may do the best trick, while damaged seams are best repaired with a high-powered sewing machine.
  1. For polishing, all leather types need conditioning.

The fats and oils in conditioners help lubricate the skin and restore its softness. However, be careful of products containing petroleum or mineral oil; they will damage your leather over time.

Avoid using conditioners that leave a thick, greasy residue like cleaning products. Instead, look for products that penetrate the skin fibers.

Condition your leather items several times throughout the season.

  1. Avoid exposing leather clothing to direct sunlight and heat sources is highly advised for drying. Extended exposure to sunlight can fade the color of the leather and cause it to become brittle and prone to cracking. Similarly, subjecting leather garments to intense heat, such as leaving them near heaters or inside hot cars, can lead to irreversible damage.
  1. For storing proper storage also plays a significant role in preserving the quality of leather clothing. Leather garments should be stored in a cool and dry place, away from direct light from the sun or dampness. Hanging them on sturdy, padded hangers helps maintain their shape and prevent unwanted creases or folds. Keeping leather clothing in a breathable garment bag is advisable to protect it from dust and unwanted contact with other materials.
  1. Seek professional help periodically. Consider taking your leather items to a professional cleaner who specializes in leather care for a deep clean and restoration. If your leather clothing has stubborn stains or requires deep cleaning, it’s best to take it to a professional cleaner specializing in leather material products. They have the expertise and tools to safely clean and restore your leather clothing without causing any damage. 


Caring for leather clothing requires conscious effort with preventive measures and regular maintenance. By following these essential tips and maintaining a rigid care routine, you can keep your leather clothing looking its best and ensure it stays in excellent condition for years. After all, you can always make leather clothing a staple in your wardrobe.