Recovery from a Tummy Tuck: Tips, Timeline, and More

Each person’s recovery is unique

It’s crucial to think about the recovery process if you’re planning to get a tummy tuck or are already scheduled for one. Your recovery will be influenced by a number of variables, including your age, health, and body weight. The sort of belly tuck you get will also have an impact.

Immediately after surgery, you may want to return to normal, but it’s important to allow your body to heal. Depending on your surgeon, you may only have to stay in the hospital for a few hours or stay for a night or more after your surgery. Leaving the hospital marks the beginning of the real recovery process. Listed below are some things you should know.

An overview of the recovery process

To give yourself enough time to recuperate and take a break from some elements of your life, you need set a time period for your rehabilitation. Make sure you have everything set up and are ready for your healing period.

It is likely that you will have your drains in place for several days after your surgery. During the treatment, you will be shown how to empty the drains and take care of them. While your drains are in place, you will likely need to take antibiotics and anticoagulants.

About six weeks will pass before you take off your abdominal binder. Your abdomen will be supported and fluid will be prevented from building up.

Even though a mini-tummy tuck often has a quicker recovery time, you must still rest for at least six weeks after the procedure. Any strenuous activity or heavy lifting falls under this.

After surgery, here’s what you can expect

An instruction sheet on how to recover at home will be given to you by your surgeon or nurse.

There will be a message for you:

  • Incisions and drains: how to take care of them
  • Keeping your health in check or being aware of infections
  • For six weeks, you shouldn’t engage in physical activity that affects your incision line
  • A plastic surgeon should be consulted again whenever necessary
  • An abdominal pressure garment should be worn for a certain amount of time
  • How much rest should you get
  • You can eat what you want

The first few days after surgery, you will need someone to take care of you and drive you home from the hospital. If you remove your drainage tubes 48 hours afterward, you can shower. It might be a good idea to sponge bathe until you are ready to shower. Some people recommend sitting while showering for a while.

An antibiotic and possibly an anticoagulant will be recommended for you. You might be given a medicine to administer topically. Any painkillers should be taken as prescribed. Any aspirin-containing medication shouldn’t be taken unless your doctor instructs you to.

In addition, abstaining from alcohol and all forms of nicotine for at least six weeks is advised if you’re using painkillers. Smoking can slow down recovery and increase risk of problems.

Recovering at home: Guidelines

For the first several days following surgery, you might have to sleep on an inclined surface. Slightly elevating your upper body while keeping your knees at an angle will assist lessen edema. You can also relieve pressure on your abdomen by placing pillows beneath your knees. On this, your doctor will provide you advice.

Even if you only walk for a short while following your operation, keep moving. A blood clot in your legs is less likely if you do this because it keeps your blood moving, which promotes healing.

Additionally, your surgeon will advise you on how to select the most comfortable resting posture. Rest as much as you can because you could not feel well for several weeks or perhaps months.

Before you feel completely normal again, it will take a few weeks. For a few weeks, driving won’t be possible for you. For a period of four to six weeks, you’ll also need to restrict your participation in physically demanding activities. Your doctor can advise you on the activities you can engage in and the amount of time you should take off from work.

Side effects that may occur physically

The first few days after surgery will be the most painful period overall. To manage the discomfort you are likely to feel, you can take painkillers. For up to three months following the procedure, you can have edema.

When you attempt to stand up straight, it could feel like your stomach is being pulled. For months or perhaps years, you might experience stomach numbness. You should expect to have bruises in your abdomen. You can experience a bulge that is fluid-filled above the scar, but this will go away. Despite being red and elevated, your scar will ultimately go away.

The best tips for recovering

By making the required preparations, a healthy recovery is possible. Being healthy is the most crucial thing at this time.

Create a relaxing environment with all of your requirements catered to. Accomplish not push yourself to do anything physically until you are prepared; give yourself permission to rest completely for at least two weeks.

To rid your body of toxins and minimise swelling, you should consume a lot of water. Maintain a nutritious diet at all times. Use as many organic fruits and veggies as you can.

The following procedures are recommended by Scottsdale Tummy Tuck:

  • You should take supplements of vitamins A and C.
  • Antioxidants and immunity are boosted by drinking green tea.
  • Supplement with probiotics.
  • The consumption of pineapple and papaya can reduce inflammation and bloating.
  • The benefits of arnica include reducing swelling, bruising, and pain.
  • Staphysagria supplements can help you heal your wound.
  • To relieve nausea, take phosphorus supplements or drink ginger tea.

Getting down to business

There are many factors to take into account when it comes to recovering from a belly tuck, but everything is doable and manageable. You simply need to think about and prepare for every facet of this healing process, including the time period.

As you advance toward your desired objective of complete recovery, keep in mind that it will take time and concentrate on getting better every day. If you have any inquiries or worries, be sure to speak with your surgeon or the nurse.