Popular Beauty Treatments Many Are Investing In

2021 is predicted to be a big year for the beauty industry. In the UK alone, it is estimated that we are likely to spend £31 billion on beauty treatments. Part of this reason is due to the pandemic and spending a considerable amount of time inside due to lockdown restrictions that were in place.

During this time, many of us took the time to invest in beauty routines and creating a self-care routine. This led to a rise in demand for beauty products and ways to improve current beauty treatments. As restrictions ease, the demand for beauty products is matched with the demand for beauty treatments.

Whilst the industry and trends are currently changing every year, these are just some of the most popular beauty trends many are investing in.

Facial Procedures

From fillers to facelift surgery, facial procedures are a firm favourite for many. With facial procedures, not all treatments are invasive and not all are injectable. For instance, face fillers range from injectable to non-injectable, and hyaluronic acid fillers. Of course, there are still collagen fillers and Botox options too.

Despite how it may sound, there are more than one facelift surgery options available, as shown by cosmetic clinic Bella Vou. Each option available will suit an individual differently and help them to achieve their desired results.

With either option, the results will provide a refreshed, youthful and smoother appearance to the skin. The benefit of it all is that the recovery time is not as long as initially thought, with previous patients recovering after a week following their treatment.

Dermaplaning Treatment

Professional dermaplaning is a cosmetic technique performed by an aesthetician who uses a dermablade to clean the surface of your skin. The blade they use gently exfoliates the surface o the skin, which removes both dead skin and vellus hair (peach fuzz). Microdermabrasion treatment is also a great way to keep your skin younger-looking.

It is a simple and effective beauty treatment that has no recovery time. The only side effect many are likely to have is sensitivity and redness on the treated areas. The main risk of this procedure is the possibility of being cut by the razor. However, since the razor is in a professional’s hand, the chances of this occurring are unlikely.

Aside from removing dead skin and vellus hair, dermaplaning can also reduce the appearance of acne scars and helps to diminish the look of fine lines. In addition to this, since the procedure only focuses on the vellus hair, the hair will grow back the same size and colour – not darker or thicker.

Brow Lamination

The desire to achieve the perfect brows is still a strong trend. Currently, there are numerous treatments available for brows, from threading, shaping and microblading. Whilst these are the most popular treatments for brows currently, brow lamination is a new addition to this list. Brow lamination was one of the top beauty searches in the UK over the past year, with a 465% rise in searches online about the treatment.

Promising the appearance of fuller-looking brows brow lamination involves the hairs brushed straight up. They are secured into place with a styling solution that helps to remain straight. After this, they are then brushed into the ideal shape using a spoolie brush, which helps to ensure they are symmetrical and have a long-lasting hold.