5 Tips for Planning Your Fall Wardrobe

With fall fast approaching, the cold nights and dark mornings are soon upon us. Leaving your shorts and skirts behind and saying hello to comfy sweaters and cardigans can help ensure you’re fully prepared for the season ahead. If you aren’t sure where to begin, here are five tips for planning your autumn wardrobe.

Clean Out Your Wardrobe

If your wardrobe is bursting at its seams, it may be time for a clear out. As the saying goes, out with the old, and in with the new, especially when it comes to preparing for colder temperatures. While it can be hard to throw anything away, you will be thankful in the long run. Instead of putting your garments in the trash, why not consider selling them instead? Platforms like eBay can be a great place to list your clothes, or if you’re feeling generous, you can always donate your things to charity.

Take Note of What You Have

Once you’ve got rid of clothes you don’t need, make sure you take note of what you have left. There are several accessories and pieces that you can buy to complement an outfit, such as shoes, coats, bags, and cashmere cardigans that can make you look the part throughout fall and winter. Have a think of any special events that are upcoming to check whether you need to purchase anything specific.

Do Your Research

Make sure you head online and have a look at all your favorite web stores, who should have their fall/winter collection up. Browsing through a range of options can give you more information on the trends and styles that are popular in this season. Spending time to figure out which pieces work best for you will not only save you time but money too.

Create an Inspiration Board

We all need a little inspiration from time to time. There are various things that you can do to give you a better idea of what your overall look should be for fall, such as using Pinterest or checking out your favorite blogs. If you would like to create your own inspiration board, make sure to include different colors, silhouettes, and materials that can point you in the right direction

Assess Your Lifestyle

Your wardrobe should not only reflect your personal style but also what you do in day to day life. For instance, corporate wear and high heels won’t be so appropriate if you spend your day on the go, or you work from home. When fall and winter strike, you may have tons of activities and a vacation booked, so grouping your clothing into different categories can help you establish how many outfits you need.

Whether we like it or not, the cold weather will be here in no time, so clearing out your wardrobe, taking note of what you already have, creating an inspiration board to find clothes that suit you best, as well as doing your research into the top fashion pieces for fall will help you find clothing that’s trendy, comfortable, and right for the fall.