Exploring the CrossFit Diet

If you are new to CrossFit and you are looking for a perfect CrossFit Perth gym then prepare for a workout that will push you hard, in several areas. It is not just about cardio, you get stronger, more flexible, faster and fitter too. What you might not realise is that it is not just about the fast-paced workout, there is also a CrossFit diet that goes along with it. For those that use it, it offers you a balanced and healthy diet that fuels your workouts while helping you eat with more thought. Some trainers offer paleo-style diet advice, and there is no reason that both styles cannot combine. The good thing about the Zone diet too is that it is something you can modify to suit your lifestyle and food preferences. The focus is on lowering carb intake, eating whole foods, healthy fats and lean proteins.

The Zone Diet

The CrossFit official diet is the Zone Diet. On the website, you will see it suggests that followers ‘eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar’. The focus of the diet is to support the exercise and lifestyle you lead but not build up body fat. The Zone Diet was developed 3 decades ago by Barry Sears. It curbs hunger, helps control blood sugar, and lessens inflammation so you recover sooner from the workouts, making it a good diet for those with heart disease, type 2 diabetes, people wanting to lose weight as well as others. If you are interested in getting help with nutrition as well as exercise, a CrossFit Perth gym has experts ready to help.

A meal would look something like this

  • Two-thirds of healthy carbohydrates like non-starchy vegetables and fruits. The fruits would be low glycemic and the more colourful you can make the choice the better.
  • One-third lean protein like fish, low-fat dairy options, chicken breast skinless, or lean pork or beef.
  • You should also have a small portion of healthy monounsaturated fats like avocado, olive oil or some nuts.

General guidelines

The Zone Diet suggests you get 40% of your daily calories from carbs, and then 30% each of protein and fats, unless you are an elite athlete and then you would up the fats. Food falls into categories referred to as blocks, and you can have blocks of fat, carbs and protein. It is a way to balance the snacks and meals you eat. One carb block is 9 grams of carbs without the fibre included. One protein block is 7 grams of protein. One fat block equals 1.5 grams of fat.

How many blocks you need to eat a day depends on your gender, activity level, size, and goals. On average 11 blocks is enough for a woman, and 14 blocks are enough for a man. You then divide your blocks into your daily plan of snacks and meals to ensure they are balanced. The woman needs 3 blocks per meal, and then that leaves 2 blocks for snacks. A man has 4 blocks per meal and 2 blocks for snacks. With a CrossFit Perth gym coach and nutritionist, you will soon see some great benefits.