White Foam On Dog’s Mouth: What Does It Mean?

Many of us have experienced seeing white foam on our dog’s mouth. As pet-owners, this can cause a lot of concern. After all, the health of our pets is always a top priority, and we usually do everything we can to make sure they are safe, happy, and healthy.

For the longest time, people associated white foam on a dog’s mouth with rabies. And while dogs infected with rabies can develop this symptom, rabies is far from the only cause of a white foamy mouth.

So, if you find foam on your dog’s mouth, don’t panic right away; there are many things that can be the cause of it. And to help ease your mind, we’ve created a quick guide to white foam on a dog’s mouth, what it means, what causes it, and what to do when you see it.

What Does White Foam On a Dog’s Mouth Mean?

Foaming on the mouth typically means that your dog hasn’t swallowed saliva, and heavy breathing accentuates it. White foam on a dog’s mouth is typically paired with anxiety, agitation, and distress. There are many things that can cause your dog to develop white foam on its mouth, and other symptoms may arise depending on the cause. Other times, foam on a dog’s mouth may have been caused by the dog running too much, and it may start foaming up at the mouth when at rest.

Since white foam can mean many different things, it’s essential to schedule a vet appointment as soon as possible to potentially treat the dog if needed.

Causes of White Foam On a Dog’s Mouth

As we mentioned earlier, there are quite a few things that can cause a dog to foam up at the mouth. To help you understand your dog’s condition better and relay the situation to the vet, here are a couple of causes of white foam on a dog’s mouth and other symptoms that come along with it.


If your dog was running or playing around for an extended period, this could cause them to start developing white foam on their mouth. When your dog runs and plays for a long time, they lose a lot of energy, and their heavy breathing causes the white foam to develop. White foam occurs when non swallowed saliva mixes with air, which can happen if your dog is tired and runs around a lot.

Heat Stroke

When a dog’s internal temperature rises high, it may start panting at the mouth, which causes the white foam to develop. If you suspect that your dog may be having a heat stroke, it is vital to immediately take it to the vet.

Poisonous Substances

Food poisoning or eating toxic substances can cause dogs to foam at the mouth. Typically, this is paired with vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, or lethargy.


Stressed dogs may also start foaming at the mouth. This is because stress causes them to whine, pant, and bark, which mixes air into their saliva, developing the white foam.


White foam can potentially be a sign of a rabies infection. However, with rabies, the white foam lasts for a long time and is accompanied by aggressive, erratic, and agitated behavior.

What to Do if Your Dog is Foaming At the Mouth

If you notice your dog develop white foam on its mouth, inform the vet as soon as possible and observe your dog for at least 24 hours. Usually, white foam isn’t something to be concerned about, but when paired with other symptoms, it could indicate something more serious that requires immediate veterinary attention.

For more information on your dog’s health, visit whatthepup.spotandtango.com, where you can find more about this topic.