How to choose the best company name for your business

Choosing a company name is one of the most important decisions you’ll make when starting a business. The right name can help you attract customers and stand out from your competition. But with so many options to choose from, it can be tough to decide on the perfect name for your business.

To help you narrow down your choices, consider these 15 tips

1. Keep it short and sweet

A shorter name is easier to remember and pronounce.

2. Avoid using hard-to-spell or difficult-to-pronounce words

You want potential customers to be able to find your business online and in person without any trouble.

3. Make sure the domain name for your website is available.

It’s no use having a great company name if someone else has already claimed the matching domain name.

4. Do a trademark search to make sure your proposed name isn’t already in use

You don’t want to choose a name that could get you into legal trouble down the road.

5. Consider your target market

Your company name ideas should appeal to the type of customer you’re trying to attract.

6. Use keywords in your name

This can help customers find your business more easily online.

7. Avoid using generic terms or location names in your name

You want your business to be found by people who are specifically looking for what you offer, not just anyone who happens upon it.

8. Make sure the name is easy to say and remember

You want people to be able to talk about your business without having to stop and think about how to spell it or say it.

9. Consider using a made-up word in your name.

Made-up words are often easy to remember and can help you stand out from the competition.

10. Use a different spelling of a common word

This can be a good way to make your business name easier to remember and pronounce.

11. Be creative with the structure of your name

You don’t have to use a traditional first-and-last-name format for your business name. Get creative with the way you put together your words.

12. Consider using a play on words

Puns can be a fun way to make your business name more memorable. Just be careful not to choose something that’s too difficult to understand.

13. Keep it simple

Don’t use a lot of unnecessary words in your name. The simpler, the better.

14. Avoid using inside jokes or references that only a small group of people would get

You want your business name to be accessible to as many people as possible.

15. Choose a name that reflects your brand identity

Your business name should give customers an idea of what your brand is all about.

With so many things to consider, choosing the right company name for your business can be a daunting task. But if you keep these 15 tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to finding a name that’s perfect for your business.


1. What are some things to avoid when choosing a company name?

Some things to avoid when choosing a company name include using hard-to-spell or difficult-to-pronounce words, using generic terms or location names, and choosing a name that’s too long or complicated.

2. How can I make sure my company name is unique?

You can do a trademark search to make sure your proposed name isn’t already in use. You can also try using a made-up word or a different spelling of a common word.

3. What should I consider when choosing a company name?

Some things to consider when choosing a company name include the length of the name, the pronunciation, whether the domain name for your website is available, and whether the name is easy to remember.

4. How can I make my company name more memorable?

There are a few things you can do to make your company name more memorable, such as using keywords, using a play on words, or keeping it simple.


There are a lot of things to consider when choosing a company name. You want to make sure the name is unique, easy to remember, and reflective of your brand identity. With so many factors to consider, it can be daunting to choose the right name for your business. But if you keep these 15 tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to finding a name that’s perfect for your business.