5 Useful Tips To Prevent Hair Loss After The 40s

Are you 40+ and losing hair? You’re not alone. Your hair is an essential part of your general vibe, and losing it around 40 is widespread. Whether it is an underlying issue or an illness of some sort, there are ways of preventing hair loss, and in this piece, we’ll give you the tips needed to make your hair stronger and avoid hair fall.

Here are five valuable tips to prevent hair loss after your ’40s

Go easy on the hair dye

Millions of people are catching onto the trend of dying their hair as they age. There are thousands more who use hair dye as a statement of their sexuality. Bright rainbow-colored hair is almost always synonymous with LGBT+ support.

With movements to raise awareness of gay rights and the de-stigmatism of homosexuality, many use their hair as a symbol of pride. During these movements, people witnessed a variety of hair styles and colors that represented the LGBT community. An astonishing 47% of people changed their hairstyle and hair color to avoid judgment while the others used random colours to set themselves apart.

Seeing different colored hair can be alluring and creative and even though changing hair color isn’t bad, overdoing it, might not be the best idea for your hair. Using hair dye negatively affects your hair, especially as you age. If you don’t want to lose the hair you have, It would be best to find other ways to support your cause, like using your voice instead of coloring your hair.

Don’t brush wet hair

You might be tempted to brush the knots and tangles out of your hair when you finish taking a shower, but that isn’t the best idea either.
Brushing wet hair means that you are aggressively pulling at the roots of your hair when they are wet. You might be able to hear and feel your hair-tearing with each stroke of the brush. Damp hair is considerably more tangled. It’s heavier and denser.

It would be best to avoid brushing at this time because when you try brushing or combing, it will cause hair to fall in bunches, especially since your hair would be weaker as you age. It might be a better idea to dry your hair using a towel and then brush it when you’re dry.

Use less shampoo

When it comes to washing your hair, you should do it every other day. Washing your hair too often with shampoo, which is full of sulfates, can adversely affect your hair. You want to avoid as many chemicals as possible and keep things natural.
Another tip is to use less shampoo while washing your hair every other day. This ensures that your hair isn’t over-exposed to harsh chemicals, and you don’t feel the adverse effects of long-term exposure.

Shampoos are full of chemicals to force hair to feel smoother, and it sometimes means stripping your hair of all of its nutrients, making them weaker and fall off. Your hair produces natural oils which benefit the scalp and strands, so when in doubt, keep it as natural as possible.

Avoid the hairdryer, curling iron

if you need to dry or style your hair, don’t use the hairdryer and curling iron too much because they can burn your hair, making them weaker and more immune to breaking. We understand that it’s hard to find alternatives, but there are other ways.

You can consider natural ways to curl your hair rather than scorching them with a rod, stripping them of life. This is especially true as you age; your hair loses the ability to withstand such equipment. Moreover, damaged hair appears lifeless and can take years to recover.

Oil your hair

It would be a good idea for you to oil your hair once in a while. South Asian cultures often use a variety of hair oil to strengthen their hair. It adds a fair deal of nutrition and health to the strands, increases shine, and promotes hair growth.
Oiling your hair once a week for about two or three hours should be enough to prevent hair loss. Any longer and you might clog your pores and cause further issues.

Oils have been a staple for healthy hair for centuries in Asian culture. South Indians use coconut oil quite often, and they have some of the most luscious hair you’ve ever seen.


Hair loss is natural and can occur at any age. Losing hair in your 40s is expected because, in most cultures, hair loss starts from this age, so it is a good idea to use natural methods to save your hair. Using the tips we’ve mentioned should help retain as much hair as possible.

In some cases, hair loss can’t be avoided because it could be genetic, which would mean you’d have to resort to transplantation if you don’t like going bald. Either way, you need to be active with your hair loss prevention plan. The earlier you start, the better it would be for you.