What You Need to Know About Dull Skin and How to Overcome it

Everyone has that one phase where your skin lacks radiance and becomes dull. There are so many factors behind a lackluster-looking skin, but you can get that glowing skin again with the right knowledge and the right skincare.

So why do we have dull skin? So, our skin sheds dead cells regularly. However, your complexion can seem dull and weary if the process isn’t operating properly. As our skin is the body’s largest organ, it’s understandable if the skin appears to be unhealthy at times.

The good news is that there are multiple ways to achieve healthy and glowing skin. Sometimes, the simplest step can make a huge difference to your skin’s complexion. Therefore, it is important to understand the causes of dull skin.

Below are the common reasons behind dull skin and what you can do to fix it:


The key to staying healthy is always to stay hydrated. The same goes for your skin. When your skin is dehydrated, it will reduce the blood flow to the skin so your skin will appear sallow and dull. Not only that, but your skin may be sagging, wrinkling, and rough, which can exacerbate the effect of dullness.

Drinking enough water can help to boost hydration beneath the skin’s surface. People who drink a lot of water regularly have fewer wrinkles, scars, and fine lines. In addition, they don’t show as many indications of aging as those who don’t. Therefore, you can try drinking up to 8 glasses of water per day and avoid consuming too many caffeinated drinks.

Not Exfoliating

Cleansing only is not enough for your face. One skincare step that people would usually skip is to exfoliate. When dead skin cells accumulate on the surface of your skin, it can make it look dull, dry, and flaky, as well as clog your pores. These conditions can be avoided with regular exfoliation.

Exfoliating removes dead skin cells by dissolving the ties that bind them together, allowing new cells to surface and boosting your daily radiance. It also removes any dirt and debris that your cleanser might have missed.

Exfoliation assists in skin plumping, making it appear younger and smoother by exposing a fresh layer of skin that retains its moisturizer. If you are a beginner at exfoliation, you can start by using a physical formula like a face scrub or a chemical formula like glycolic acid or AHA/BHAs twice a week.

Lack of Sleep

If you have ever pulled up an all-nighter, you will realize how dull your skin will look the next day. This is because our body repairs itself when we are sleeping, including our skin. It produces new collagen that prevents the skin from sagging. This collagen helps to make the skin look plump and reduce any wrinkles.

When you don’t get enough sleep, your skin cannot function at its best. As a result, it cannot repair the damage from the UV exposure and further reduces the skin’s radiance. Therefore, you should start making it a habit to sleep for about 7 to 9 hours per night. Apart from that, using skincare that helps rejuvenate your skin overnight can help reduce dullness and improve the overall appearance of your skin.

Skin is not Moisturized Enough

Another cause of dullness is dry skin, which stems from the lack of moisture in the skin. It causes dead skin cells to pile up on the skin’s surface, making the complexion look uneven and dull.

In short, moisturizing is crucial as it promotes smooth, supple-looking skin by helping to lock in water. To moisturize your skin, you should find a moisturizer that fits your skin type. It is also recommended to find a moisturizer with ceramides in the ingredient which can help repair the skin barrier.

Unhealthy Diet

As much as a healthy diet is important to maintain an ideal body weight, it is important to the skin too. When your body does not get the nutrients it needs, it will hinder you from getting radiant skin. For instance, consuming too many processed foods will promote tissue swelling by retaining fluid, which prevents optimal light reflection.

To achieve healthier skin, try to consume more fruits and vegetables daily. Moreover, you can also opt for food rich in antioxidants, such as blueberries, pecans, and dark chocolate. Antioxidants assist the skin in repairing itself. It is also advisable to consume vitamin C-rich foods like avocados, kiwi, potatoes, and broccoli which can help to promote collagen growth in the skin.