What Is Clean Skincare And Why Is It Important?

There’s no dictionary definition of the term clean skincare, so one might easily be confused about what exactly it is. If you’re one of those in the dark about this popular term, read on and get some valuable insights about clean skincare and its importance.

What It’s All About

More and more people are going green. The talk about global warming and technology enhancements has led to an increased consciousness about healthy living.

You may have heard or come across organic or clean living. Some people now prefer clean eating, clean air, or clean medicine instead of traditional foods and medicine. Likewise, there’s been a craze about clean beauty and clean cosmetics, and that’s where clean skincare comes in.

What Is Clean Skincare?

Just as clean food and clean medicine refer to organic products, clean skincare uses products with no potentially harmful substances.

There’s been an argument saying there are detrimental substances not restricted in some cosmetics. So various beauty brands have taken the initiative of countering this perception by producing cosmetics using organic and safe ingredients. Using such for your skin could be referred to as clean skincare.

Ultimately, you’ll have to decide for yourself what clean skincare means. Your decision could be based on what you consider essential and safe for your skin. If, for example, you feel regular body lotions contain harmful chemicals, you could try using a face oil that’s naturally extracted.

In general, clean skincare will prioritize environmental and human health by restricting ingredients negative to both. Clean skincare will typically involve using plant-based ingredients safe to use on the skin. If synthesized materials are used, they’re usually for preservation. But even so, they’re used as minimally as possible.

What You Should Avoid

It’s been said if you see a label saying ‘synthetic fragrance’ on the ingredients list of your beauty product, you should run. Synthetic fragrance could mean a combination of up to a thousand elements.

Other ingredients to steer clear from include preservatives and other substances such as:

  • sodium laurel sulfate
  • sodium laureth sulfate
  • parabens
  • beta hydroxy acid
  • avobenzone
  • oxybenzone

The first four have been linked with the disruption of the endocrine while the last two are associated with ultraviolet filters in sunscreen that could cause cell damage or mutation. In simpler terms, they could cause skin cancer.

If you’re going for clean skincare, you should avoid triclosan, a substance usually present in antibacterial soaps. Triclosan has also been connected with endocrine disruption.

Polyethylene glycol, also known as PEG, is another ingredient, which some clean skincare products will restrict. When used in skincare products, PEG is sometimes processed through what’s known as ethoxylation, after which is mixed with a substance called 1.4-Dioxane. Dioxane has been said to be a carcinogen––which means it could also cause cancer.

Beta hydroxy acid has been said to potentially cause endocrine disruption as well as liver and kidney problems.

A chemical called aluminum zirconium, commonly used in ordinary deodorants, has been reported to potentially cause Alzheimer’s disease and breast cancer. Some studies have concluded it alters nerve activity to prevent sweating. And this could have adverse effects on your health and well-being.

What’s The Big Deal?

You may be thinking small quantities of preservatives and synthetics in some products will have no significant effect on your body. However, it’s said women could use an average of approximately a dozen of beauty care products per day while men might use about six. If each product has ten or more potentially harmful chemicals, the effect will add up and fuel a health hazard.

Your body is said to pile up substances. This means when you use potentially toxic products, the toxins build up in your body, and one day, it’d manifest its effect. Therefore, using clean skincare products may be a great way to reduce the risk of your exposure to danger.

Not all could be detrimental, however. If they’re from natural sources, you should be fine. Scents from natural sources include essential oils, and they’re normally listed on the ingredients list.


Clean skincare refers to cosmetics considered safe for humans and the environment. Products used will typically restrict preservatives and synthetic ingredients. Ingredients in some conventional beauty care products like deodorants and lotions have been linked to some conditions and illnesses.

The next time you go shopping, read the list of ingredients on beauty products before you stock up. Also, consider the effect of those on your health. Preservatives and synthetic fragrances are some of the elements to worry about. For happy and healthy skin, go clean.