Things You Can Do at Home to Keep Busy During COVID

There’s no doubt that things are getting stale for everyone around the world since the COVID-19 pandemic shut down virtually everything in March. Stores and shops closed, very few opportunities to get out of the house and find something to do, we all have been restricted to our homes for several months now, and many are running out of things to keep them occupied.

The COVID-19 pandemic just turned ‘one’ on November 17th, and with cases at an all-time high, we can expect more months of isolation.

We have tried to come up with a list of new things you can do or try at home while all of the restrictions are still going on, but it’s likely you’ve already thought of, or have done a few of them. But, you may find a new hobby or be inspired with your own ideas!

Gamble Online

If you miss the casinos, there are plenty of reputable online casinos you can sign up for. Sometimes gambling can be exciting and even some betting sites have almost video game-like slot machines and games you can play that will pass the time.

Since sports are still happening (thankfully) you can bet on sports online as well at a trustworthy online sportsbook like MyBookie. Sports betting can be fun and you should do plenty of research before placing any wagers on sports – so that could take up a good chunk of your day if you plan to do this activity.

Ensuring you bet responsibly is key here, make sure you aren’t betting money you don’t have or try to chase a loss.

At Home Wine Tasting

If you isolate with others who are of drinking age, you could set up an at home wine tasting, where you have different wines you’ve never tried, paired with cheeses and snacks and have a relaxing evening at home sampling wines! If you are able to invite over a few friends, have everyone bring a few bottles, and you can widen your selection.

Start a Virtual Book Club

Since reading is more of a one person activity, you could start a book club with a few friends and do Zoom book club meetings each week to discuss the book.

It’s fun to read books alongside friends and keeps you accountable to read certain amounts by certain dates.

Take an online course to learn something new

If you have always wanted to learn how to do something, you could try Skillshare or another free online course or webinar. Photography, graphic design, calligraphy – you name it, you can learn it all online.

Try making a recipe out of your comfort zone

Whether you’re a good cook or not, there’s always a meal we avoid making because it doesnt fit inside our comfort zone. If you’re traditionally good at comfort foods, try something elaborate for once. If you miss having a chef prepare fancy dinners, make them yourself at home ! If it’s a dud, at least you tried.

Yoga or Stretching

While this ones far from unique, we find it to be an important hobby to pick up. We are all moving a little less these days being stuck at home, and making sure we stretch out our muscles is important in the long run.

Find some YouTube videos of yoga routines or find a virtual class you can sign up for.

Grow a Kitchen Garden

While it’s getting colder out, you can still plant seeds and create a little indoor kitchen garden. Many plant herbs indoors year round, and you can do this with items found at your local dollar store. Watching plants grow from seeds is so interesting and it’s a fun activity to do with kids.

Refinish a piece of furniture

If you have some older furniture that you think could go for a refresh, now is a great time to spruce up your living space. If your coffee table is stained or scratched, you could cover it in a pretty contact paper or sand it down and paint it. There are plenty of options and refinishing furniture usually doesn’t cost a lot of money to do. Then you’ll have a beautiful new piece of furniture to love, or you could sell it and make some money off it!

These are just a few activities you can do during our COVID restrictions, and while you may have already done some of them, we hope you stay safe out there – hopefully we can resume our normal lives soon!