Things to Consider Before Getting a Facelift

A face-lift should not be sought out without proper research and consideration. Like any surgery, there are risks and possible complications. Beyond standard surgeries, face-lifts influence the appearance of our face, which means that they can have a big impact on our sense of identity as well as our behavior in social situations. The following will explore the things you need to keep in mind if you are considering undergoing a facelift procedure.

Think About Why You Want the Facelift

It is important to be aware of the inner workings of our minds. This can be a painful process for some, but it is crucial if you want to be pleased with the results of your facelift. Some people discover with a bit of thought that they don’t want the facelift, they want an improved relationship with their ex or partner. Some people discover that they want to feel more accepted by their peers or colleagues. Some people realize they want to be living life the way they did in their twenties.

You might find that a facelift isn’t actually going to give you what you truly want. If that is the case, it might be better to make some changes to your life before you look into permanently changing your face.

Consider Less Invasive Methods

A facelift isn’t the only way to improve skin texture, reduce the appearance of fine lines, or tighten and firm the facial skin. Countless other options can produce beautiful results without the pain and healing process of a facelift. There are topical products involving Retinol, dietary shifts involving lots of vitamin A and healthy fats, lifestyle shifts such as quitting smoking, and facial exercises that sculpt and firm the skin.

If you feel like your situation is beyond these more generic solutions, there are middle ground procedures you can look into. Skin experts at have begun to use ultrasound energy to improve the tightness of skin and the natural production of collagen with very promising results. The procedure is still performed by a doctor but is non-invasive and requires no actual surgery.

Understand the Risks

All surgeries involve a certain amount of risk. All surgeries post the risks of infection, bleeding, or negative reactions to anesthesia. In addition to the standard surgery risks, those who are currently taking blood-thinning medications or supplements, suffering from medical conditions related to blood clotting or blood pressure, smoke cigarettes, or have a history of weight fluctuation are more likely to experience the possible negative outcomes of surgery. In some of these cases, doctors may refuse the surgery on these grounds.

Beyond the broader risks associated with all surgeries, there are risks that facelifts, in particular, present. Some can be dealt with using care, medication, or additional surgeries, while others can have permanent, significant changes in appearance. These include:

Skin Loss

Occasionally, a face-lift can result in an interruption to the supply of blood to the tissues in your face. The result of this is skin loss, which is also called sloughing. This can be treated with medications, wound care practices and sometimes requires a medical procedure to reduce the scarring.

Hair Loss

Hair loss after a face-lift surgery can be temporary or permanent. It most often occurs near the incision sites and can be dealt with using an additional surgery designed to transplant skin with hair follicles.


A hematoma is when blood collects under the skin, causing pressure. This is the most common complication experienced after facelift surgery. It typically will occur within 24 hours of the surgery and requires additional surgery to prevent damage to the skin and other tissues.


Scarring can be leftover from incisions made during a face-lift. These scars are permanent but can often be hidden by the hairline or the natural lines of the face and ears. There are rare cases, however, where scarring produces raised, red marks. These marks can be improved in appearance by the injection of corticosteroid medication.

Nerve Injuries

Nerves that affect sensation and/or muscles in the face can be temporarily or permanently injured by a face-lift surgery. Temporary paralysis of muscles can produce an asymmetrical appearance to the face or expression. Loss of sensation can last anywhere from a few months to a few years. Surgical procedures can sometimes improve the situation, but not always.

The above information should give you a good jumping-off point for your research and considerations of a face-lift. As with any medical advice or decisions, it is always advisable to speak to a doctor regarding your particular situation and medical history.