The Importance of Eye Care

Despite the fact that we use them all day every day, it is very easy to forget about eye care. We take our eyes and everything they do for us for granted, sometimes until it’s too late. Our eyes are complex and wonderful creations that link directly to our brains via the optic nerve, passing huge amounts of information very rapidly. 

If our eyes are so amazing, why do we think so little about looking after them? We diet for our weight, lift dumbbells for our muscles and run for our hearts. It’s time we took eye care a little more seriously. Let’s discuss some different things you can do to care for your eyes, why they are important, and how they work. 

Eye Examinations

Eye exams are by far the most important thing you can do for your eyes. Roger, an optometrist from Optique says that regular visits to the optometrist are there for preventative maintenance. So, eye examinations are not just to check how your eyes are doing at the time, but also to make sure you have no tell-tale signs of future eye issues. 

For example, an eye exam could notice the early signs of conditions and diseases such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, or cataracts. Believe it or not, the eye doctor can also see signs of wider issues such as liver disease! All this while testing the strength and overall current health of your eyes. If you haven’t been for a while, book an appointment now. Then, return at regular intervals as advised by your optometrist. This is usually every 2 years but can be shorter if you have certain conditions that need more regular monitoring.

Diet Control

Away from the optometrists, there are various other ways you can help look after your eyes. One of these is by eating the right foods. It almost seems too obvious, but, as with most things health-related, it’s time to eat more veggies! Every optometrist and doctor will tell you that dark, leafy greens are good for you and for your eyes. They are packed with vitamin A, amongst other substances, which help reduce the risk of common eye conditions in the long-term.

Other foods that are reportedly great for your eyes are bell peppers. They offer more vitamin C than any other food (per calorie) which is great for your blood vessels in your eyes and might also reduce the risk of cataracts. Throw some sunflower seeds, sweet potatoes, and beans into your diet, too, and you’ll have some of the healthiest eyes going!


We all like to wear sunglasses when it’s super sunny out, for good reason. We know that the sun feels too bright and powerful for our eyes, naturally. However, not all sunglasses actually come with UV protection. Sunglasses without UV lenses are making your eyes more relaxed, sure, but they aren’t protecting them from the sun’s powerful rays at all. UV lenses aren’t that much more expensive these days, so are definitely worth getting.

Eye Protection

There are other times when forms of eye protection are necessary, too. If you are working with power tools, hazardous substances, paints, or any other items that could damage your eyes, then you should be wearing goggles. Accidents happen in the workplace, so it’s best to be prepared for the worst. Even if you don’t look cool! 

There are also some recreational activities that call for eye protection. When cycling or riding a motorbike you should wear glasses, sunglasses, or a visor of some kind, if you aren’t already wearing a full-face helmet. No one wants grit or a stone in the eye at 30 mph. The same could be said for skiing, swimming, diving, or any form of shooting: cover those eyes.  You can also get help from treat options like as well.

Screen Use

There are many reasons we should all be staring at screens less, eye health being one of them. You need to rest your eyes regularly, away from screens. Take a break from your screen for a few seconds every 15-20 minutes if you can. Look out the window or into the distance to help your eyes rest, recharge, and not become fatigued. Better still, limit screen time completely, if possible.

Regular checkups are the most important thing to know about the overall health of your eyes. However, as we have shown, there are plenty of ways you can help improve and maintain your eye health on your own. Make sure you follow the steps above to help keep your eyes in the best condition.