Home Remedies to Have Stronger Nails

Nails are an indicator of your general health. Weakened and brittle nails can be the benchmark to some diseases going on silently inside the body. However, stronger nails are representative of good general health. Different heart and breathing problems directly affect the shape and strength of your nails.

Regardless of gender, every person is, in one way or the other, conscious about their appearance, including their nails. There are medications that may help for the betterment of your nails’ strength. But the majority of people prefer home remedies rather than medications and supplementation. To make it easier for you, we have gathered some of the best home remedies that can help you strengthen your nails, but the key is consistency. 

Use Apple Cider Vinegar 

Apple Cider vinegar is known to have anti-fungal properties. If you have become a victim of fungal infections, you must try apple cider vinegar for relief because if such infections are set free and not treated properly, you can even lose your nails

Apple cider vinegar is acidic in nature, which helps neutralize the alkaline nature of the infections. It is recommended to soak your nails in apple cider vinegar twice a day to have better results. 

A large bowl should contain equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water to have adequate results. Soak for about 20 minutes and then pat dry. 


Honey has been widely used in numerous home remedies for skin as well as hair. Not only that, but it also has application in nail strengthening. Honey has the capability to restrict bacterial and fungal growth and nourish your cuticles so that they are soothing and supple. 

To make this rich nail mask, you will need to combine honey with lemon juice. The quantities will be 2 teaspoons of honey with a few drops of lemon. Use this mixture to massage your nails before leaving them for about 20 minutes. Rinse, and you will witness brighter nails and soft cuticles even after the first application. If you are consistent with this home remedy, you will end up having stronger and healthier nails.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice has been used in many remedies as it is enriched with vitamin C. There are two common ways of using lemon for nails. You can either rub the lemon slice on your nails directly or grab a cotton swab dipped in the lemon juice and rub it on your nails. You just need 5 to 10 minutes twice a week, and you will end up having brighter and stronger nails. 

An alternative is to mix a few drops of lemon juice in 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Microwave the mixture for not more than 15 seconds. Massage this mixture on your nails and leave for about 30 minutes before removing it. You can also leave this mask on your nails overnight for even better results. 

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is being used for hydrated skin and hair for years. It can be used to hydrate as well as strengthen your nails. Softening of the cuticles is another application. Coconut oil is so versatile in its uses and carries unlimited benefits. It accommodates anti-fungal features and thus can help your nails get rid of infections if they are prone to. 

What you need to do is warm the oil in the microwave for about 20 seconds. Massage your cuticles with this warm oil before going to bed. For packing the goodness further, wear gloves after its application and enjoy sweet dreams. 

Garlic Oil

Garlic oil has been used for centuries for stronger nails. Soaking your hands in water for long can render your nails brittle, and they break off easily. Women who have to work for a long in the kitchen know how to make their nails stronger by using garlic. 

To make garlic oil, have some slices of garlic chopped in a pan and heat with olive oil for about 10 minutes. Make sure that the oil does not bubble or burn. Let the oil cool down for a while, and then strain it in the container. 

Massage this oil on your nails and cuticles every night and leave it till morning. Massaging your nails with this oil helps improve your blood circulation and thus improves health. 

Vitamin E 

Vitamin E is essential for your body as it boosts your immune system. Apart from that, it captivates anti-oxidant as well as anti-inflammatory properties that help you remain healthy. It can be applied topically and is also available in oral capsules most commonly used for enhancing appearance. 

Open one of your oral vitamin E capsules and massage your nails with that and go to sleep. Make a practice of doing this often to have stronger nails over time. 

Egg Yolk and Milk

The mixture of egg yolk and milk helps in the growth of your nails and aids in keeping them stronger. If you are tired of brittle nails and seeking a remedy that is both easy and effective, this is the one.

Tea-tree Oil and Vitamin E Oil

The benefits of vitamin E alone have been looked upon. Let us see what miracles tea-tree oil and Vitamin E can cause when mixed together. Tea-tree oil has been used as acne-fighting oil for years. When it comes to healthy nails, tea tree oil can help cure the brittleness of your nails and make them strong enough to withstand daily life stress without easily breaking off. 

Prepare a mixture of vitamin E oil and tea tree oil and apply this to your nails. Leave it for 30 minutes before rinsing and then go to bed. One thing to remember is to moisturize your nails after rinsing them. 

Chamomile and Peppermint 

These simple ingredients have so many benefits, but most people don’t pay attention to them. But now, the time is going back to the older days when people preferred to use natural home remedies rather than opting for medications. 

You can’t even imagine how many benefits are hidden in chamomile. It helps strengthen your bones, fight against diabetes, enhance sleep, prevent cancer, and has hundreds of others uses and benefits. Sideways peppermint also keeps you healthy by improving digestive functions, opening clogged sinuses, and doing many other miracles. 

Long story short, let’s see how the mixture of chamomile and peppermint helps in making your nails stronger. Boil a cup of water and add 1 teaspoon of each chamomile and peppermint. Leave it for 2 hours. Now strain the mixture and add 2 tablespoons of wheat flour and 1 teaspoon of olive oil. 

Apply the resultant thick paste on your nails and leave it on for about an hour. Then rinse it off. Be regular, apply thrice a week and, see the results.

Castor Oil 

One of the multi-purpose ingredients for natural remedies is castor oil. It helps promote wound healing, enhances digestive function by acting as a laxative, has anti-inflammatory properties, diminishes acne, and acts as a moisturizer. 

When applied to nails, it helps fight against fungal infection and makes them stronger and infection-free. 

Flaxseed Oil 

This oil contains: 

  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Omega-3
  • Vitamin-B 

These elements will make your nails stronger and healthier. So, if you have a complaint of brittle and weaker nails, this oil is all you need. 

Sea Salt Soak 

You won’t believe it until you try it. Only a mixture of water and sea salt can help strengthen your nails. Isn’t it the easiest home remedy till now? It helps remove the dead skin from cuticles and has been known to contain healing power that can make your nails shine brighter. The rejuvenating properties of the mixture will be reflected when you will once try it.

Petroleum Jelly

Everybody has this moisturizer placed on their dressing table. The most common use is to apply on the chapped lips and get a silky and smooth feel after two to three uses in any season. One of the main reasons for brittle nails is dehydration, and petroleum jelly is enriched with hydrating properties. Apply it on your nails before going to bed for at least 1 to 2 months to see how effective this simple remedy is in strengthening your nails. 


It is important to take care of your nails, even if they look perfectly healthy and fine. And if you have soft and brittle nails or they have stopped growing unknowingly, try any of these remedies, and your nails’ condition will hopefully get better soon. 

You can also share these home remedies with those who wish to make their nails stronger.