7 Tips to Find Your Perfect Sports Bra

All of us know that running is a high-impact activity, but perhaps no one understands this better than a woman who has been running in an improperly fitted sports bra. Wearing the wrong sports bra can cause sagging, soreness, and eventually even soft tissue damage. Despite this, many women keep wearing the wrong bra because they do not know how to find the right one. But you do not have to go through this as we are about to share with you some tips to find your perfect sports bra.

1. Pick the Ideal Option

There are three types of sports bra, and you need to opt for the one that matches you best.

• A compression sports bra will be ideal for you in case you have small breasts.

• An encapsulated sports bra will be the right choice in case you have large breasts or/and you participate in high-intensity workouts.

• A combination sports bra will be perfect if you desire proper compression and full support.

2. Give Importance To Your Cup Size

Yes, it is true that sports bras generally are available in sizes like large, medium, and small. But since you need a bra that will support your breasts properly when you run and jump, you should not simply go for something that generic. So, go for a brand that offers you proper cup sizes and thus you get good support.

3. Adjustable Straps Are Helpful

If you have been wearing pullover bras and find them comfortable, you need to rethink your choice. The straps of such bras lose their elasticity quite fast, and you cannot adjust the straps. This is why you need to look for a bra that comes with an adjustable strap and supports your breasts in a proper manner.

4. The Bra Must Have A Soaking Wick

It is natural that you will sweat while working out. And, if your bra does not have a good soaking mechanism or breathable wick, then you are sure to experience some rashes and chafing.

5. You Need Both A High-Impact And Low-Impact Bra

One bra is not ideal for all purposes. If you are planning to do Pilates and yoga, then a low-impact sports bra will be perfect for you. But, on days when you plan to do high-intensity workouts and weight training, then you need a high-impact bra to save your breasts from the many movements.

6. It Must Make You Feel Good

Not only the sports bra ensures comfort and protection, but you should also feel good in it. The right bra will be the one that is a perfect combination of the right color, style, and performance feature. This will make you feel more confident, and then you will be able to invest your complete self in each workout session.

7. Do Not Forget To Test

Do not forget to test your bra before buying. After you wear it, make sure you do a few push-ups and some jumping jacks and check if you are comfortable. Also, ensure that there is maximum support and minimum spillage.

To Conclude

Just follow these simple tips, and you easily will be able to find your perfect sports bra. And once you do, you will enjoy your workout sessions like never before and will realize what you have been missing so long.