4 Benefits of Sharing Fashion Photography on Instagram

The world of social media is fast becoming a hotbed for fashion-forward people and brands. With the growing number of fashion businesses, photographers, and models expanding their reach to the cybersphere, it is getting easier to distinguish which of these social platforms is the most appropriate for fashion marketing. Instagram, one of the most widely-used social networking services today, proves to be the best channel to reach this goal.

If you are a fashion photographer looking to build a stronger base, below are four reasons why you should be on Instagram.

1. Instagram marketing reaches far and wide

Businesses and brands of all nature and scale have taken to Instagram to expand their reach. The reason for this is pretty simple and clear: Instagram ranks second among all social networking services in terms of active users. In fact, the app has 140 million users in the US alone, and that is only 12% of the total user population.

With such a massive audience waiting to see and consume what you have to offer, creating an Instagram profile for your brand is already half the job done. Instagram has an array of features that can help put your content in front of your target audience. Hashtags are the most commonly used but also the most powerful. Using the right hashtags can help boost your posts’ visibility and engagement. Check out these hashtags on fashion photography to get more eyes on your work.

2. Visual content is king

We now live in a world where storytelling though images reign. Not only are images more attention-grabbing than text, they are also more memorable and have stronger impact. Consider these statistics:

  • Content with visuals get 94% more views
  • 40% of users respond to visuals more than text
  • 65% of people are visual learners

Instagram is undeniably the most imagery-focused among all social media platforms, as its main purpose is photo- and video-sharing. This makes the app the perfect place for photographers to showcase their work and get noticed.

Instagram allows you to create and curate your profile to show your style, technique, and overall aesthetic. At the same time, the audience can take a glimpse of your portfolio by simply scrolling through your feed on a mobile device. It is a very easy and convenient way of introducing yourself and strengthening your branding.

3. Limitless engagement

What sets Instagram apart from other social platforms is that its features are fun to use. There a lot of ways to connect with your followers and get more people to talk about your work. Here are some of them:

  • Hashtags. Hashtag parties have been around social media for years and Instagram is definitely not falling behind on this trend. Standard hashtags for fashion concepts or events help users find you, but witty ones make you stand out from the rest. Creating your own hashtag is the modern-day equivalent of writing a slogan for your product.
  • Stories. These 24-hour features allow you to mix things up and unleash your full creativity. Engage your followers by posting about a look or project you are working on. This is also perfect for teasers or previews to build anticipation from your audience.
  • Live and IGTV. Live stories and longer videos allow for a more in-depth and intimate connection with your followers. Real-time interaction makes it easier to build rapport and start conversations with viewers.

Once you figure out how to properly utilize Instagram’s unique features, it can do wonders for your content. Moreover, insights from the number of likes, shares, and mentions tell you exactly how your posts are performing. It tells you what kind of content your audience responds to and to what extent, so you can make adjustments accordingly.

4. Easier community building

Every niche has its own gathering points online and Instagram makes it easier to look for them. Apart from your target audience, it is also important to build relationships with other content creators that belong to the same niche. Nowadays, collaborations are prevalent among users. You can take advantage of this opportunity to partner with other fashion photographers and online influencers. This can help you be seen by a larger audience and drive attention back to your profile.

Is Instagram the right platform for you?

Right now, there is no other social platform more fitting for fashion photography than Instagram. With a wide range of features designed to highlight visual content, it is any photographer’s best bet. Instagram has endless potential waiting to be harnessed so you can elevate your own brand of fashion photography.